Distinguished Lecture Series - Division of Student Affairs

Contact -  Dr. Laura Smith, Dean of Students
Chair -  Current SGA President

The University of North Texas Distinguished Lecture Series is chartered as a university-wide standing Administrative Committee.

An annual report will be submitted to the Vice President for Student Affairs no later than September 30th of each academic year.  A courtesy copy of the report will be sent to the Staff Council and Distinguished Lecture Series Committee.

Objectives of the Series:

To provide the university and greater communities with a variety of distinguished lecturers and speakers that will bring significant interest, visibility and added prestige to the University of North Texas.

Funding will be provided by the Student Service Fee Committee for one (1) fiscal year.  Additional funding/sponsors may be sought to offset some of the cost of producing events. 

The selection of speakers will be conducted on a consensus basis, after suggestions have been sought throughout the university. The selected speakers must reflect a wide public recognition and appeal.  Under no circumstances will the Series be used to promote the discipline of any particular academic unit, department, school or college within the University.

Membership: The committee consists of faculty representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate, staff representatives appointed by the UNT Staff Council, students appointed by the UNT Student Government Association, and one permanent ex officio faculty and/or staff representative to serve as administrative assistance to the committee, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs.  The President of the UNT Student Government Association or his/her designee shall serve as chair.
* Indicates Second Term

Faculty Members appointed by Faculty Senate:

  • Group A-L 1: Anne Grieser (ACCT) - Term Ends 2026*
  • Group A-L 2: Jennifer Lane (MUVS) - Term Ends 2026*