Chair: Amy Petros

Mid-Year Report

The Ad-Hoc Committee on Faculty Resources is a temporary committee created to study and determine ways to increase faculty recruitment, retention, and contentment, and to work to illuminate, address, and offer solutions in the following area of concerns:

  • Resources available to Faculty on Denton, Discovery Park, and Frisco Branch Campuses
  • Current resources being offered on one branch campus and not the others.
  • Needs of Faculty not being offered by UNT that are available at other peer institutions.
  • Needs specific to UNT Faculty requested not being offered.

Membership: Eight members shall be from the Faculty Senate voting groups (Groups I-VIII), and one additional faculty member shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to serve as the committee’s chair.

Terms: The duration of this committee shall be from its creation through the time its final report of recommendations is considered by the Faculty Senate at a regular Senate Meeting, or through May 2026, whichever occurs first.

  • Group I: Gwen Nisbett (JOUR) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group II: Jeonghyun Kim (IS) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group III: Pavlo Tymoshchuk (CSE) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group IV: Kelsey Carroll (DMI) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group V: Ling Ge (ITDS) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VI: Ranita Cheruvu (TEA) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VII: Amy Petros (CHEM) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VIII: Gideon Olorwoyie (MUIS) - Term Ends 2026
  • AT-L: Julie Hancock (MGMT) - Term Ends 2026
  • AT-L: Athena Alimirzaei (ITDS) - Term Ends 2026
  • AT-L: Kyndell Bailey (ACCT) - Term Ends 2026 


Make recommendations to the Faculty Senate, Provost Office, and Office of Faculty Success concerning the state of, needs, and justification of the availability of specific resources for Faculty.

  • To examine, gather data, and evaluate the current life-work resources available to UNT Faculty on each branch campus.
  • To examine, gather data, and evaluate the current life-work resources available to faculty at peer institutions.
  • To examine, gather data, and evaluate the life-work resources needs and wants of the UNT faculty.
  • To recommend changes in the life-work resources available to UNT Faculty