Student Awards TF/TA and University Writing Award Recipients
The Faculty Senate is pleased to join Student Affairs, the Provost and President in
recognizing outstanding student achievements. The below student awards nomination
and selection activities occur between January and April each year. Each award has
its own specific requirements so be sure to read all materials carefully and submit
by the stated deadline. Notifications of the requirements and deadlines will be sent
from the Faculty Senate office to all full time faculty, deans and chairs at the beginning
of each process. Questions about these may be sent to the listed Faculty Awards Committee
contact below or directed to the Faculty Senate office at .
1. Outstanding Teaching Fellow/Teaching Assistant Awards: Deadline 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2025
Contact: Michael Douglas Killough, Chair, TF/TA Committee
Each spring, the Faculty Senate's Teaching Fellows/Teaching Assistants Committee selects four (4) outstanding graduate students who have served as Teaching Fellows or Teaching Assistants during the previous calendar year to receive $500 scholarships. Candidates nominated for these awards must demonstrate superior teaching and academic performance as graduate students.
For the purpose of this award, a “Teaching Fellow” is defined as any graduate student who has full responsibility for actual classroom instruction. A “Teaching Assistant” is defined as any graduate student who assists professors/instructors with their teaching responsibilities of large lecture sections.
For more information about this year's award process, review/download the following items:
2. University Writing Awards: Deadline 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 17, 2025
Contact: Dr. Peggy Jimenez, chair, University Writing Awards Committee
The Faculty Senate's University Writing Committee awards scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students for outstanding written works submitted through this program. Pieces must have been written during the spring or fall semesters of the designated calendar year. Students may submit entries in more than one category, but each submission must be accompanied by a nomination form signed by a faculty member. Entries are accepted the following categories:
- Graduate Creative Writing: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
- Graduate Scholarly Writing: Argumentative or Expository
- Undergraduate Creative Writing: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
- Undergraduate Scholarly Writing: Argumentative or Expository
Two works will be selected as award recipients per writing category. Scholarship awards will be provided in the amount of $325 each for undergraduate students and $500 each for graduate students. For more information about this year's award process, review/download the following items: