Academic Affairs Committee

Chair: Willem Van Schalkwyk

Mid-year Report
Annual Report

Membership: 12 members - 8 faculty elected by the Senate plus the following non-Senate appointees: 1 academic dean elected by the academic deans; 1 student appointed by the Student Government Association; the Registrar (or Registrar designee); 1 administrative ex-officio non-voting member representing the Vice Presiden for Academic Affairs.

Terms: The chair shall be elected by the members of the committee and serves a 2 year term. Faculty members 3 years, other members 1 year.
* Indicates Second Term

  • Group I: Hae Jin Gam (ADES) - Term Ends 2025*
  • Group II: Mike Spector (LTEC) - Term Ends 2027
  • Group III: Srinivasan Srivilliputhur (MTSE) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group IV: Harold Lee (HTM) - Term Ends 2027*
  • Group V: Melody White (ITDS) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VI: VACANT
  • Group VII: Lisa Welch (BIOL) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VIII: Willem Van Schalkwyk (MUVS) - Term Ends 2027*

Administrative Representatives:

  • Deans' Representative: Marilyn Wiley, Dean, Ryan College of Business
  • SGA Representative: Alfred Dozier IV, President
  • Registrar designee: Shari Schwartz, Sr. Associate Vice President for Enrollment
  • VPAA designee: Lisa McInyre, Vice Provost for Student Success

Academic Affairs Committee Charges 2017:

The Academic Affairs Committee shall study and make recommendations to the senate on university policy concerning:

  • admission standards of entering undergraduate students;
  • suspension, probation, and dismissal of students for academic reasons, standards for graduation;
  • the policies on awarding of honors to graduates; and
  • any other academic concerns that may be assigned by the senate.