Chair: David Holdeman
Vice chair: Bibhudutta Rout
Faculty Senate Resolution - September 10, 2014
“Preamble: It will take time for the Faculty Senate's deliberative process to change its Faculty Senate Charter and Bylaws during 2014-2015 to conform to UNT Policy 10.4 “Policy on Policies,” approved at the Board of Regents in June 2014.
The Faculty Senate shall develop the changes necessary to include a Faculty Grievance Committee in its charter and bylaws during the 2014/2015 academic year with a deliberative shared governance process. This Faculty Grievance Committee's charges will be to hear all faculty grievances and appeals from lower units, and to serve as the successor committee to roles assumed in UNT unit policies by the former URC and former UPTC.
Proposal: For 2014-2015, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee recommends the creation of an ad hoc faculty senate Faculty Grievance Committee for the 2014-2015 academic year.
This Faculty Grievance Committee will be administered by the policies governing grievances from the charter, bylaws and procedures of the former University Review Committee (URC) or charter, bylaws and procedures of the former University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UPTC).
The Faculty Grievance Committee's charges are to hear all faculty grievances and appeals from lower units, and to serve as the successor committee to roles assumed in UNT unit policies by the former URC and former UPTC.
The makeup of the Faculty Grievance Committee consists of all current continuing members of the former URC and UPTC. The committee shall elect a co-chair to handle reappointment, and promotion and tenure grievances and appeals, and a co-chair to handle all other grievances and appeals. The committee is responsible for the assignment of all appeals and grievances under the co-chairs.
Reports on specific grievances will be forwarded directly to the President and Provost.
A general summary of activities report, that excludes confidential information, will
be due to Faculty Senate Executive Committee in May of the academic year, 2015.
June 2016 - Faculty Senate agreed to extend memberships of the current transitional
grievance committee another year, to September 2017.
Committee Membership:
- Group I: Jiyoung Yoon (SPAN) - Term Ends 2026
- Group II: David Holdeman (ENGL) - Term Ends 2025
- Group III: Bibhudutta Rout(PHYS) - Term Ends 2025
- Group IV: Ko Maeda (PSCI) - Term Ends 2026
- Group V: Robert Pavur (ITDS) - Term Ends 2026
- Group VI: Karthigeyan Subramaniam (TEA) - Term Ends 2025
- Group VII: Nicoladie Tam (BIOL) - Term Ends 2025
- Group VIII: Tony Baker (MUIS) - Term Ends 2025
- AT_L: Paul Hutchison (ACCT) - Term Ends 2026
- AT-L: Kathryn Raign (ENGL) - Term Ends 2027
- AT-L: Brian Lain (COMM) - Term Ends 2027
- AT-L: Chad Proell (ACCT) - Term Ends 2027
- AT-L: Zenhua Huang (HTM) - Term Ends 2027*
- NTT Fac: Coby Condrey (LIBR) - Term Ends 2027*
- NTT Fac: Jodi Philbrick (IS) - Term Ends 2026