Faculty Research Committee

Faculty Co-chair: Sundeep Mukherjee 
Administrative Co-chair: Pamela Padilla, Vice President for Research and Innovation

Mid-year Report
Annual Report

Membership: This committee shall consist of 13 members: eight tenured faculty members elected by the senate (one from each senate voting group), three At-Large Executive Committee representatives, the dean of the Toulouse Graduate School, and the Vice President for research who will serve as administrative co-chair of the committee. Administrators will serve as ex-officio non-voting members. The faculty chair of the committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee and has the authority to appoint ad hoc up to two additional non-voting members, subject to majority approval of the Faculty Research Committee and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, for the purpose of advising on issues and activities. No more than one faculty member may be elected from any sub-unit within a senate voting group.

Terms: Each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may
serve no more than two consecutive terms.

* Indicates second term

  • Group I: Newly Paul (JOUR) - Term Ends 2027
  • Group II: Suliman Hawamdeh (IS) - Term Ends 2025*
  • Group III: VACANT
  • Group IV: Margie Tieslau (ECON) - Term Ends 2027*
  • Group V: Manjula Salimath (MGMT) - Term Ends 2027
  • Group VI: Karthigeyan Subramaniam (TEA) - Term Ends 2025*
  • Group VII: Brian Ayre (BIOL) - Term Ends 2026
  • Group VIII: Jamey Kelley (MUED) - Term Ends 2026
  • At-Large EC: Sundeep Mukherjee (MTSE) - Term Ends 2025*
  • At-Large EC: Priyali Rajagopal (MKTG) - Term Ends 2027
  • At-Large EC: Jim Meernik (PSCI) - Term Ends 2027

Committee Function:

The Faculty Research Committee shall study policy governing faculty research and
make recommendations to the senate; implement policy developed by the committee
and approved by the senate in the allocation of state appropriated funds for faculty research; and in the coordination of the university's research effort, carry on diligent efforts to locate and secure non-appropriated funds to support faculty research and keep all of the faculty informed about funds available for research.

Charges - March 2017:

  • Assess and report biannually (November and May) to the Faculty Senate on UNT’s progress toward reaching its goal of achieving national research university status. 
  • Advise the Office of Research and VPR on policies and procedures designed to help UNT’s research faculty meet annual timeline goals designed to move UNT forward from emerging research university status to national research university status. 
  • Review on an annual basis the proper implementation of the Faculty Research Misconduct Policy. 
  • Gather faculty feedback regarding research support at all university levels and report action items to the Office of Research and VPR, the Provost, and the Faculty Senate
  • Advise the Office of Research and VPR on research priorities and infrastructure investments that might help the university to national research university status. 
  • Encourage faculty research, scholarship, and creative achievement in every academic unit by advocating for Faculty Senate, university and unit policies that reward excellence in research, scholarship, and creative achievement
  • Participate in a self-evaluation process regarding the role and function of the Faculty Research Committee in relation to the Office of Research and VPR, and recommend new charges as the committee deems appropriate.