Committee on Committees

Chair: Brady Lund

Mid-year Report
Annual Report

Membership: 1 Senator from each of the 9 constituency groups of the Senate (8 Voting Groups plus one At-large), elected by fellow Senators in that group, plus the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Senate. The continuing Committee on Committee members shall elect a chair at the May Faculty Senate meeting after Senate officers have been elected. The  chair is not required to be one of the group representatives.

Terms: Two-year terms, staggered so no more than half of the members rotate off at one time.
 * Indicates Second Term

  • Senate Chair: Coby Condrey (LIBR) - Term ends 2025
  • Senate Vice-chair: William Joyner (MUVS) - Term ends 2025
  • Senate Secretary: Sarah Evans (IS) - Term ends 2025
  • Group I: Caroline Najour (WLLC) - Term ends 2025
  • Group II: Brady Lund (IS) -  Term ends 2025
  • Group III: Sundeep Mukherjee (MTSE) - Term ends 2025
  • Group IV: Melissa McKay (DMI) - Term ends 2026
  • Group V: Paul Hutchison (ACCT) - Term ends 2026
  • Group VI: Matthew Lemberger-Truelove (CHEM) - Term ends 2025
  • Group VII: Jim Bednarz (BIOL) - Term ends 2026
  • Group VIII: Andrew May (MUCS) - Term Ends 2025
  • At-Large: Anne Schoolfield (ENGL) - Term Ends 2026

Committee on Committees Charges:

  • Fill vacancies on committees as they become open.
  • Review lists of committees and committee vacancies, working with the Faculty Senate administrative assistant to ensure that all terms and appointments are correctly recorded in both print and web page editions of the committee roster.
  • Review inactive committees and make recommendations concerning either their reactivation or deletion.
  • Design and implement a survey of members of UNT’s standing and administrative committees in order to learn what issues committees face.
  • Maintain communication with administrative committees to ensure that faculty are being involved as required.