Graduate Council Calendar and Meeting Minutes
Mid-year report
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Lane, Faculty Chair
Victor Prybutok, Administrative Co-Chair
Composition: The Graduate Council consists of voting and non-voting members. The voting members are: eight graduate status faculty members, one elected from each of the eight voting groups of the Faculty Senate and four graduate status faculty members appointed at-large by the Faculty Senate (with the assistance of the Executive Committee and the Committee on Committees.) Effort will be made so that the appointed at-large members represent disciplines not already represented by the elected members. These twelve faculty members are the only voting members on the Graduate Council. Voting members elect a faculty chair from amongst themselves for a one year term at the beginning of each academic year.
Non-voting members are: two graduate students selected by the Graduate Student Council, the vice provost of the Toulouse Graduate School (who serves as this Council's co-chair ex officio), the associate dean of the Toulouse Graduate School, the registrar, and deans or their representatives from each of the colleges, schools, and library.
Terms: Faculty members shall serve three-year terms with a second three-year term available.
Student members shall serve one-year terms. Other members shall serve during the period
they hold their respective offices. Annual terms are from September 1 to August
Time Commitment: Members meet once per month all year long, usually by Zoom on the third Wednesday
of the month from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. (see linked calendar above)
*Indicates Second Term
Group I: Lawrence Williams (WLLC) - Term Ends 2025*
Group II: Rose Baker (LTEC) - Term Ends 2027
Group III: Maurizio Manzo (MEEN) - Term Ends 2026
Group IV: Michael Greig (PSCI)- Term Ends 2025
Group V: Gurpreet Dhillon (ITDS) - Term Ends 2025
Group VI: Dalena Dillman Taylor (CHE) - Term Ends 2027
Group VII: Olav Richter (MATH) - Term Ends 2026
Group VIII: Jaymee Haefner (MUIS) - Term Ends 2027
At-Large: Jennifer Lane (MUVS) - Term Ends 2025
At-Large: Ana Cleveland (IS) - Term Ends 2027*
At-Large: Mariya Gavrilova Aguilar (MGMT) - Term Ends 2026
At-Large: John Verghese (ITDS) - Term Ends 2026
Graduate Student Council Representatives: Bala Sankar Kilaru
Committee Description: The Graduate Council formulates all policies and regulations affecting graduate programs, graduate faculty and graduate curricula at the University of North Texas. The Graduate Council monitors all graduate programs in the university to ensure that they are periodically reviewed and reevaluated. The Graduate Council reports in writing to the Faculty Senate all recommendations affecting graduate programs, graduate faculty and graduate curricula, including but not limited to curricula modifications, program monitoring and evaluation, and program publicity.
Graduate Council Contact:
Natalie Garcia-McIntire
Assistant Director
Toulouse Graduate School
Tel:940.565.3946 | Fax: 940.565.2141 | E-mail: