Faculty Co-Chair: Adam Chamberlin
Administrative Co-Chair: Angie Cartwright
Mid-year Report
Annual Report
Membership: This committee shall consist of ten members. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall appoint eight faculty members (one from each Faculty Senate group). One additional faculty member shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to serve as the committee’s faculty chair. The Provost/VPAA shall appoint one ex-officio member who will serve as the administrative co-chair of the committee. The Provost/VPAA appointee is a voting member if they are a full-time faculty member with no “administrative service” workload, otherwise that appointee is nonvoting.
Terms: Terms for faculty members are three years in length and faculty members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The Provost/VPAA appointee shall serve at the pleasure of the provost.
Charges: The charges of the Faculty Policy Oversight Committee are to:
The Committee provides policy recommendations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for further action.