Chair: Michael Sexton
Mid-year Report
Annual Report
Membership: 11 members elected by the Faculty Senate according to the following: 1 member from each of the 8 voting groups and 3 members elected at-large. Elections shall be such that no single subunit is represented by more than 1 member. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members.
Terms: 3 years
*Indicates second term
Faculty Salary Study Committee Charges (rev. 10-5-23)
In consultation with the Provost’s Office, monitor UNT process and data by which faculty salary merit raises (including “excellence” raises) and market adjustments are allocated, and also analyze faculty salaries under the current workload policy. Review findings with the Committee on the Status of Faculty with Disabilities.
In conjunction with the Academic Affairs Committee, study faculty summer salary compensation in relation to peer universities.
Salary compression is an on-going issue at UNT. While it is important that the university stay competitive with new hires, the committee should regularly monitor faculty salary trends to ensure that long-term UNT faculty members are not disadvantaged.
Collaborate with UNT Institutional Research to analyze current market trends in regular faculty salary compensation with focus on comparison to peer universities. In consideration of economic challenges, maintain a flexible approach in selecting peer universities for benchmarking against UNT.
Work with the Faculty Research Committee and the Faculty Senate Budget Committee to share information and identify issues of mutual concern regarding workload, research support, salaries, and other budget issues affecting faculty.
As needed, report to the Committee on Faculty Participation in Governance and Faculty Policy Oversight Committee regarding any issues of concern this committee might have with respect to implementation of its recommendations.