Faculty Co-chair: April Prince
Administrative Co-chair: Courtney Glazer
Mid-year Report
Annual Report
OCCC Meetings and Minutes
Curriculog Login
Office of the Core Curriculum
Membership: The committee shall consist of 11 voting members. The committee must have one representative
from each group, as well as 3 at-large members. A faculty co-chair shall be appointed
from among the voting members of the committee by the Senate Executive Committee.
The office of the Provost will designate an administrative co-chair of the committee
who will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. The committee may include a non-voting
graduate student member.
Term: The term of each faculty member shall be three years in length and members may serve
no more than two consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered so that the terms of
no more than four members expire in any given year.
* Indicates Second Term
- Group I: Caroline Najour (WLLC) - Term Ends 2027
- Group II: Kimberly Moreland (ENGL) - Term Ends 2027
- Group III: David Shiner (PHYS) - Term Ends 2027
- Group IV: Ann Marie Afflerbach (HTM) - Term Ends 2026
- Group V: Arunachalam Narayanan (ITDS) - Term Ends 2025*
- Group VI: Calvin Sims (PSYC) - Term Ends 2025
- Group VII: Paula Garland (RHS) - Term Ends 2026
- Group VIII: April Prince (MHTE) - Term Ends 2027
- Group A-L 1: Majed Yaghi (MKTG) - Term Ends 2026
- Group A-L 2: Tim Hawkins (SCM) - Term Ends 2026*
- Group A-L 3: Mark Evers (FIREL) - Term Ends 2025
- Administrative Co-chair: Courtney Glazer
- Faculty Co-Chair: April Prince
Committee Charges:
I. Course and Curriculum Review
The OCCC will develop and implement specific procedures for the evaluation of courses
for inclusion in UNT's core curriculum. The criteria for evaluation will, at a minimum,
include a clear and concise description of how the course under consideration meets
the requirements of the proposed Foundational Component Area or Component Area Option,
and how students will develop and demonstrate the required core objectives associated
with the stated component area(s). In addition, each course will be evaluated based
upon a detailed plan of how each objective will be assessed. These processes and procedures
will be conducted in conjunction with the Faculty Senate University Curriculum Committee.
II. Course and Program Assessment
The OCCC will:
- Support faculty in the development of individual course level assessment of mandated
core objectives.
- Upon request or identification, provide consultation services to faculty regarding
the use of course level data for continuous improvement. Lead in the development and
implementation of processes and procedures for assessment of the core objectives across
the core curriculum as a whole based upon authentic student work.
- Work collaboratively with The Office of University Accreditation and other relevant
units to determine appropriate criteria for the identification of courses that would
benefit from support and to ensure that UNT remains in compliance for assessment requirements
with regards to the core curriculum.
- Develop guidelines for an annual report of data.
III. Administration
The OCCC will:
- Work with all appropriate Senate Committees and other leadership bodies across campus
on changes and improvements to UNT's core curriculum.
- Review and renew the committee charges in keeping with changes to reporting, compliance,
or internal calls for improvement or other modifications.
- Report to the UCCC and to the Faculty Senate on decisions made and issues arising
in the oversight of the core curriculum.
Annual Plans:
- Review all proposals related core courses in a timely manner.
- Assist the Director of the Core in the preparation of communal assessment.
- Actively participate in the communal assessment process.
- Review the method of selecting work from signature assignments to provide greater
representation of the entire core curriculum.
- Review, and revise if necessary, the communal assessment rubrics to enable greater
variation of signature assignments included in the communal assessment process.