Academic Integrity Task Force [INACTIVE]

Mid-year Report
Annual Report

Introduction: The Academic Integrity Office will work with the Faculty Senate EC to create a task force designed to address AI concerns across campus and provide greater support for faculty, administrators, and students. The task force will include Tracy Everbach and Karen Weiller, current AI officers [active 2020-2021].


The task force shall consist of tenure track, tenured, and non-tenure track faculty, administrators, and students:

  • One (1) faculty member from the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs committee appointed by the members of the committee
  • Two (2) faculty academic integrity officers (currently Tracy Everbach and Karen Weiller)
  • One (1) faculty member appointed by the Senate Executive Committee
  • Two (2) academic Chairs, appointed by the Provost
  • One (1) graduate student representative appointed by the Graduate Student Council President
  • One (1) undergraduate student representative appointed by the Student Government Association President
  • One (1) administrative representative appointed by the Director of Student Affairs


Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee: Lou Pelton (MLOM)

Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Jae Webb (MGMT)

Academic Integrity Officer 1: Karen Weiller (KHPR)

Academic Integrity Officer 2: Tracy Everbach (JOUR)

Provost - Chair: Matt Eshbaugh-Soha (PSCI)

Provost - Chair: Yan Huang (CSE)

Graduate Student Council representative: Andrea Ortiz

Student Government Association representative: Michael Luecke

Student Affairs representative: Moe McGuinness


  • Obtain specific concerns and comments from faculty, administrators, and students on current Academic Integrity policy
  • Provide data related to:
    • Number of cases in past 3 years
    • Identify departments from which cases are reported
    • Identify level of student (freshman – senior; graduate) and number of cases
    • Identify types of cases (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) reported in each of the last 3 years
    • For the above: identify trends
  • Survey/assess faculty knowledge and perceptions of current university processes relative to AI and to seek input about experiences
  • Make recommendations for change in policy and processes
  • Identify practices from peer institutions
  • The Academic Integrity office will seek to educate faculty concerning best practices in addressing AI with students

Anticipated implementation of Task Force Recommendations:  Academic Year 21-22